We are all well aware that something seems to be happening with the weather; more frequent and more severe storms, more flooding, more people suffering and in need. In the midst of these threats, I am hoping that more people will be open to seeing that there is a moral and even religious aspect to be considered when we talk about the environment.
Laudato Si
Perhaps this is a good time to revisit Pope Francis’ groundbreaking document. It is not a political statement. Rather, Francis makes an appeal to every person living on earth to join the conversation about how to care for our common home. To do so, he uses the theological method favored by Pope LeoXIII in Rerum Novarum. He considers the situation through the lenses of Scripture and Tradition. Finally, he recommends actions that can be taken that respect “our unique place as human beings in this world and our relationship to our surroundings.
I am very interested in leading a group to read and study the document. I don’t expect it to be a large group, even the issues are very large indeed. But I think that even if a small group can develop some direction and understand, we could be of benefit to the whole parish.
Since I am expecting a small group, I won’t set a day or time to begin. Please contact me through the office if you are interested. Perhaps we could settle on a day and time together. I look forwards to digging into this for the wisdom we can reach and share.
Fr Pat