“How easy it is to die with Jesus on the cross—if one has lived with Jesus on the cross!”
St. Anna Schäffer
Offertory Procession
We invite you to be a part of our Offertory Procession. We need at least two people to bring the gifts of bread and wine to the Altar at each Mass. This is an opportunity for you that may only be a one time commitment to serve at Mass, or a way to participate a little more frequently. A Deacon may approach you prior to Mass and ask you to be the Gift Bearer. We hope you’ll say YES!
Altar Servers
We have truly missed having Altar Servers since the Pandemic began and we are now looking to start this ministry anew. Please contact Brian Schweighardt if you are interested in serving at Mass as an Altar Server. brianschweig@gmail.com Altar servers must have received First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. At Pax Christi, this role is reserved for 5th graders through adults.
The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy (hymns, responses, etc.), by looking alert and sitting or standing at the appropriate times.
Altar servers perform most of the functions of the former “minor order” of ordained clerics known as acolytes from the Greek word akolouthos or ‘attendant’. Church writings from the second and third centuries discuss the role of acolytes, giving the office great importance and honor in the history of the Church. Altar servers today are not ordained but are ‘commissioned’ by their parish priest.
Servers carry the cross, the processional candle(s), hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.
Arts and Environment
Our sanctuary is a beautiful and peaceful place for worship and quiet prayer. Not only because of the bright light streaming in through the windows, but also thanks to the Arts and Environment Committee that makes it their mission to ensure the Sanctuary is always adorned with beautiful arrangements. Sometimes they are simple, sometimes more formal or elaborate, but always, always beautiful.
The Arts and Environment Committee designs and creates decorations and enhancements for the church in keeping with the Liturgical calendar. Currently, a team of five women rotate Sundays to place fresh flowers in front of the ambo, in hopes that it enhances parishioners spirituality. During Advent, they also set up the fresh Advent Wreath.
The Arts and Environment Committee works together with the Men’s Group that assembles the Christmas Nativity display as well as help bring in the Christmas trees, lights and poinsettias. During Lent, the displays and floral arrangements will vary, again in hopes that it enhances parishioners time with God at church.
Keeping the plants watered and looking fresh is an on-going weekly activity. Sometimes throughout the year, the Arts and Environment Committee is called upon to help with table centerpieces or other arrangements and projects as needed. The only requirement to consider if you are interested in volunteering with this group is a flexible willingness to create a welcoming environment so parishioners can feel a more spiritual movement while worshiping God. Please contact Martha Taulbee at martha.taulbee@gmail.com if you are interested in learning more about this ministry or would like to get involved.
Mass Sacristans
Currently, we do not have Mass Sacristans. This section is here, because in the future we would to have Mass Sacristans. Please continue to watch the bulletin and the website as we will share more about this in the future.
Music Ministry
Come enliven your faith through music and song! YOU can serve in the music ministry in one of our ensembles! Find joy in active participation.
Radiant Ringers Bell Choir—Tuesdays 6-6:50 p.m. in the Sanctuary
We have the joy of ringing separate ensemble pieces, bell peals, as well as congregational hymns.
Peace Choir—Tuesdays 7-8:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Open to all adults. Sing special music at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
Children’s Choir – Meets Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. This is open to all children from third grade and up. Children learn hymns and how to be part of a choir. This special choir sings at both special Masses as well as Oridinary Time Masses. From cantoring to group singing, they are a true gem of the parish! Practices are about an hour long and some time is set aside to just have some fun!
For more information about these Choirs or the Cross Check, or New Vision music ensembles, contact Gabby Wrightson at gmanion@cdlex.org
When one enters the doors of Pax Christi, we want to ensure EVERYONE feels welcome. What better way to do this than to have a few people sharing smiles and words of welcome!
The Greeters’ goal is to have attendance be a positive, enjoyable experience for our regular parishioners and any visitors who are with us. We are looking for those who can commit a little of their time and talents to this ministry. It is not hard work, all you really need is a smile and an enthusiastic attitude (and be able to arrive to Mass about 15 -20 minutes before it begins).
It is an invitational and evangelizing ministry for all to share in the gifts of the faith community, liturgy and hospitality of Pax Christi. Greeters are scheduled for all weekend Masses (and you will be scheduled for the Mass time you choose, or usually attend). If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, contact Mark Helton at mark.helton@outlook.com
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion
Also known as Eucharistic Ministers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are volunteers chosen by the Pastor to assist in distributing the Eucharist at Mass.
There is great joy and satisfaction to participate in this wonderful gift to God’s people. Jesus comes to us as the one who gives himself to us. He loves us so much that he gives us a share in his loving self-giving.
- Requirement to serve: Baptized & Confirmed Catholics at least 16 years of age, and in good standing with the Church. It is an easy and especially rewarding ministry.
- Extraordinary Ministers usually serve 1-2 times a month at their preferred Mass. A schedule is prepared typically at three month intervals so the Extraordinary Ministers know when they serve; we schedule around vacations and other commitments.
If you would like more information about the duties of this ministry, of if you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact Deacon Ed Parsons at (502) 382-0145 or tparsons@cdlex.org.
Click here for the schedule: EMOHC Aug to Oct 2024
The role of proclaiming the scriptures to the assembly is a sacred and crucial ministry. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Lector at Pax Christi, please contact Bax McClure baxm2306@gmail.com
Lector Schedule Advent-Christ 2024-2025
The purpose of the Linen Ministry is the care and cleansing of the sacred linens used at the altar during Mass. This is performed on a weekly basis. A member of this ministry picks up all the linens that were used during the week and are handled and cleaned in a specific manner with care and respect due to their function in the Holy Liturgy. The linens are examined periodically for stains, wear and tear and replaced as needed. Any woman of the parish willing to take the time to wash and iron the linens according to a specific method used for sacred linens is welcome to join this ministry. (We are happy to train you if you are not familiar with the proper method of cleaning). If you are interested in learning more about the Linen Ministry, contact Carla Basanta at cmb.mra@gmail.com
Parish Liturgy Committee
The word Liturgy literally means work of the people, and within the Catholic Church it is used to describe all the public acts of worship that take place, as it draws the people into the work of God. The Liturgy involves every aspect of the Mass. The Liturgy Committee assists the Pastor with planning and implementing the various aspects of liturgical activities in the parish. Members of the committee represent different ministries: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Faith Formation, Music, Ushers, Liturgical Environment, Servers and other members of the parish at large. There are also discussions and suggestions for special liturgies or opportunities for enrichment, prayer and worship of the parish.
Liturgy Committee meets once a month to help prepare for Holy Days, Liturgical celebrations, and Liturgical seasons. If you are interested in joining the Liturgy Committee, please contact Martha Taulbee at martha.taulbee@gmail.com
Technology Committee
First let us have a BIG SHOUT OUT to Dennis Powers, a parishioner, who for the past 15 years has solely managed our parish website. He did an amazing job and we are forever grateful! Dennis let the parish staff know in late 2021 that he was ready to retire from his full time volunteer job. It took us until now (Fall of 2022) to research, shop for, design, build, add content, and implement this website.
Another part of our technology that we use to communicate with our parish is the myParish app. Dennis has also been the sole driver behind this. This too will now be staff driven. We wish Dennis well in his retirement from volunteering, and honestly, where would we have been without him? THANK YOU! AND GOD BLESS!
Volunteers, David & Allyson DeVito have, since the beginning of the Pandemic, recorded Saturday night Mass. They edit the Mass and then upload it to YouTube so it can be viewed on Sunday mornings by 9 a.m. They are true gems and will continue to provide this ministry for our parish for the time being. Ron Apor and his family often help David & Allyson when they are out of town or unavailable. Together, this team has helped our parish continue to evangelize as well as remain connected with parishioners who are unable to attend Mass in person.
Allyson also is a go-to person for the staff to help us share information on Facebook. We are truly grateful for this SMALL BUT MIGHTY TEAM of dedicated individuals.
If you are interested in sharing your time or technical skills, please let us know. This committee will need more people in order to continue to grow as the parish needs change & grow. 859-273-9999 or allydevito@gmail.com
The concept of an Usher is not new. In the Old Testament, there were positions addressed as “Doorkeepers” or “Gatekeepers,” and their roles were very similar. (2 Kings 22:4) (1 Chronicles 9:17-27) (Psalms 84:10)
Jesus’ disciples can be considered ushers, in the sense that they:
- Prepared the way for Jesus
- Kept order among those listening to Christ
- Served Food to the audience
- Cleaned up after a service, such as the Feeding of the Five Thousand
Ushers: This group of men and women play an important role during the Mass as well as before and after Mass. Ushers take up the offertory collection, assist with latecomer seating, place the bulletins out after Mass, attend to other tasks as needed, and ensure the Sanctuary is left in an orderly fashion prior to the next Mass