March 12, 2021 1:03 pm

Home / Posts / March 12, 2021 1:03 pm

Taking Care of others in their time of need —
Note from Fr. Pat —Please read in its entirety
Special Reminder—This Sunday begins Daylight Savings —we Spring Forward —please reset you clocks

This season requires us to take care of each other in so many ways. Now, the diocese is encouraging parishes to take a second collection for flood relief in Eastern Kentucky. Some of our parishes have suffered from the flooding, as well as the communities they serve. Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Lexington will receive a $10K grant for flood relief and our local collections can subsidize that.
Please donate to this fund in one of these ways:
Place your gift in the Offertory basket at the back of church
Checks should be made payable to Pax Christi Catholic Church -emo: KY flood relief
Cash donations in envelope marked KY flood relief
Or have your bank send us a check marked KY flood relief

Vaccines and Masks

We all look forward eagerly to the time we can begin relaxing the restrictions associated with the COVID virus.
Receiving our vaccines is a huge step forward to reaching that day!


Receiving our vaccines does not automatically mean we do not have to wear a mask to church.
The vaccine keeps us from becoming extremely ill with the virus.

But it does NOT keep us from contracting or spreading the virus!! We can still carry it and give it to others.
Remember, the first and main reason for wearing masks was to keep from spreading the virus to others.

Therefore, until we can be assured that everyone is safe, we have to ask everyone to continue wearing a mask to church. I know this is disappointing news to many of you. I encourage you to check this with your doctors. I am sure they will tell you the same thing.

Let us continue to pray that we WILL reach that day soon.
God Bless You All.
Be Well
Fr. Pat