After Mass Fellowship
We encourage all to join us for Fellowship in the Parish Hall after the 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Mass every First & Third Sunday of each month. Coffee, juice and donuts are served, but the best part are the smiles and conversations that are served up at each table. This is a beautiful opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to get to know other parishioners, as well as catch up with those you know well. This is not a time for parish leadership to talk about parish business, so feel free to join in without the pressure to “get involved”.
Speaking of getting involved, if you are interested in learning about how you can help serve your fellow parishioners after Sunday Mass, please contact the church office. 859-273-9999. They will be happy to put you in contact with the Ministry Lead.
Bereavement Committee
The Pax Christi Bereavement Committee consists of many dedicated individuals who are available to walk with both parishioners and non-parishioners at a time of loss. Those called to this ministry are on call as needed and are ready to carry out the tasks of being with a grieving family in various ways.
Melissa Holland, our former Pastoral Associate and Business Manager, (who has retired) has chosen to retain this portion of her pastoral duties and acts solely on a volunteer basis. Melissa is the contact person for Funeral Pre-Arrangements and columbarium niche purchases. Melissa also is a main contact for Time of Need arrangements. Melissa helps families in every aspect to plan and coordinate their funerals and/or inurnment here at Pax Christi.
In addition to funeral planning and coordination, another component of the Bereavement Committee that Melissa helps organize is the Card Ministry. The Card Ministry is made up of parishioners who have requested to be on a list to be notified of deaths in our parish. Those individuals hold the surviving family and friends in their prayers and many of them send personal condolences to the family.
There is also a dedicated team of parishioners who share the responsibility of sending four cards throughout the year to each family on behalf of the parish. The cards include care notes, a Mass Intention requested by the Bereavement Committee to commemorate the year anniversary date of death, an invitation to the Bereavement Mass (held on November 2nd of each year) at which time the deceased is remembered in the necrology, and a holiday card sent around Thanksgiving in the hopes that this gesture brings some comfort at this often difficult time of year.
Funerals during the pandemic were unfortunately very small in nature with no gathering or funeral meals. We are pleased that we are able to resume traditional funerals and gatherings now. If you are interested in learning more about the Bereavement Committee, planning a funeral, or purchasing a niche in the Columbarium in our Peace Garden, please contact Melissa Holland at or 859-333-9926.
The Funeral Meal Committee works in tandem with the Bereavement Committee. If you are interested in learning more about helping with the Funeral Meal Ministry, please contact Michelle Kubek at
Funeral Meal Ministry
Funerals are a somber, yet can be a beautiful celebration of life.
Ultimately the purpose of the Funeral Meal Ministry is to provide a meal for family and friends after funerals held at Pax Christi. This enables families to share stories, hugs, and words of encouragement while they spend time together over a prepared meal. The tears are often fresh, but the love shared with friends and family and the love poured into the dishes prepared and served are a balm to the soul. What better way to begin to heal than with a meal! Those involved in the Funeral Meal Ministry are there because they recognize the need to have time for families to gather after a funeral, and they want to be of service to others in that particular time of need.
Anyone can help with the Funeral Meal Ministry. The way it works is when a funeral is scheduled at Pax Christi, and if the family of the deceased chooses to have a meal, then Michele is notified. Carol and Michele immediately go into action (as the date of the funeral can sometimes be only a few days away). They makes phone calls to request dishes to be prepared (or bought from the store) and then dropped off at Pax Christi on the day of or the day before the funeral. Who do they call? They call those who have signed up to be a part of the Funeral Meal Ministry! What kind of dishes are requested? The parish purchases the main course (typically chicken), so casseroles, salads, vegetables, bread, and desserts are greatly appreciated.
On the day of the funeral, typically a group of 4 to 6 people are there to set up the Parish Hall, ensure the food is heated and set up on the buffet tables, and that the drink and dessert tables are prepared. When the family and friends begin to arrive in the Parish Hall from the Sanctuary, they are met with tables that are draped in white linen table cloths complete with center pieces. It is beautiful and a fine compliment to the actual funeral itself. During the pandemic, funerals were small with little to no time to gather on church grounds. As a result, the pandemic totally stopped all funeral meals. As we move forward consider reaching out to Michele if you are able to help with providing a side dish or dessert. Remember how much comfort your dish offers to a grieving family.
The Funeral Meal Ministry also provides finger foods for after the All Souls Day Mass held in November each year. The All Souls Day Mass is for those who lost family members during the year. You may contact Michele at
Men’s Group
Pax Christi is proud and grateful to have a very active Men’s Group. This group of men of all ages, come together to meet on a regular basis to discuss the needs of the parish and how they can contribute to meeting those needs. Some activities the Men’s Group are involved in are:
- FaithWalk Pancake Breakfast
- Lenten Fish Fry’s
- Parish Picnic
- Vacation Bible School
- Minor property repairs
The Men’s Group also gathers for lunch monthly. If you are looking for a quality group of guys to get to know, or if you would like to be involved in some very key aspects of our Parish, this is the group for you.
Contact Tom DeLuca or David Wolterman if you are interested.
Married Couples Group
This is a relatively new group at Pax Christi. This group meets on a monthly basis after Saturday night Mass and often shares a pot luck style meal together. The Married Couples group is for all married and engaged couples of all age groups. The intent is to share with one another, learn from one another, and have a group of friends to share life’s ups and downs. This group welcomes children and has childcare available most nights. Contact Tonya Dvorak if you are interested in learning more about this dynamic group.
New Members Welcome Ministry
All are welcome! There is a welcome counter in the Gathering Space where a representative of the Welcome Ministry or Parish Council is available after all weekend Masses to answer questions or share information about our parish. Each year Pax Christi welcomes new members with a brunch where we share a meal along with information on the parish. Our aim is to welcome everyone and ensure they are knowledgeable about all that Pax Christi has to offer so as to hopefully enhance their spritual growth and also provide a sense of community.
Pilgrim’s Trail
We have a feeling that after reading the following article written by Linda Harvey, you might want to get involved! Please contact Bax McClure, or Martha Gehringer at to inquire about helping with this Minstry here at Pax Christi, or if you would like more information about how to get started on your very own journey on the Pilgrim’s Trail. 859-273-9999. Passports for The Pilgrim’s Trail are available at all parishes and missions in the diocese. Complete information about The Pilgrim’s Trail, including the full map, can be accessed on the diocesan website at
by Linda Harvey
Six women from St. Paul’s parish in Lexington have been praying together weekly for 15 years. And out of this small prayer group emerged a unique endeavor called “The Pilgrims Trail,” designed to connect people from the different parishes and missions of the diocese through travel and fellowship. .
“We started out with faith sharing and read a lot of books – some spiritual and some political – but mostly we shared our faith and convictions,” said Mary Pat Whitney, one of the women. “When the Bishop’s appeal came around in 2021, we thought it would be interesting to create something in order [for all Catholics] to experience the parishes in the diocese.”
The other women in the prayer group are Susan Brown, Bertha Hayden, Linda Meighan, Pam Milburn, and Mary Ann Ohnheifer.
Things began to happen fast. In February, 2021, they sent a letter to Bishop John Stowe proposing what they wanted to do. Bishop John told them if they could sell it to the six deaneries in the diocese, then it can move forward.
“Each of our six women took one of the deaneries in April, May, and June and were able to gain agreement from them to make The Pilgrims Trail a reality. We have learned that it is only by putting ourselves in small or large communities that we are honed – made more humble, more grateful and truer to the people we were created to be by God.” said Whitney. “By developing a steering committee that began in June with 27 people across the diocese on Zoom, we gained further agreement, planning, and implementation.”
The Pilgrims Trail has been formed for all Catholics of the diocese, their families and friends to visit each of the 61 parishes (which includes 12 missions and two oratories) in the 50 counties of the Diocese of Lexington in the coming years. Parish volunteers will assist visitors in connecting, celebrating individual communities, developing relationships and gathering yearly with Bishop Stowe and other parish “pilgrims” at the Annual Pilgrims Meal each November, starting in 2022.
The Trail covers a very historic part of the United States: the western territories of colonial America. Pilgrims can learn about what each area has in their faith tradition; they can meet the descendants and immigrants of these traditions; and can unite in faith, purpose, and in Christ, irrespective of education, social status, or income level.
“We felt the Holy Spirit was with us every moment. We prayed to the Holy Spirit at the beginning of each meeting. Consensus was important – and that was hard at times – but it all worked out,” Whitney said. “We knew we had to see the sacredness in each other. It is amazing how each of our goals corresponded with every point of the Pastoral Plan for the diocese. Every time we got off from our Zoom meetings, we were even more excited about the possibilities.”
A diocesan-wide poster contest is initiated each fall particularly for children. Artists, including some adults, are encouraged to use their own artistic style to portray concepts related to a Christian pilgrimage in Kentucky, with over a hundred submissions.
Social Life Committee
The Social Life Group is an important Ministry at Pax Christi because this is a parish that really likes to celebrate, gather, and enjoy sharing meals together…and we certainly seek every opportunity to do so! Anyone can be involved in this Ministry!
The purpose of the Social Life Group is to offer one’s time to support and serve others. The group meets and prepares for gatherings by determining what is needed for a particular event. Events can call for simple snacks, hors d’oeuvres, and/or complete meals for various parish activities throughout the year. Also, this group coordinates and is responsible for all the set up, decorations, and clean up according to what the event may require.
Some of the parish activities they have organized in the past are Mardi Gras, Seder Meal, Disability Mass; plus many more throughout the year.
What makes this ministry attractive for parishioners to be involved in is that it is an incredible opportunity to serve, support, and meet other people in the parish. Another benefit of being involved is to have fun and develop lasting friendships. If this sounds like something that may be up your alley, email Teresa at for more information.
Women’s Spirituality
Women’s Spirituality meets the first Monday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Parish Hall (or in the Peace Garden if the weather is nice!) All women are welcome! Typically a book is chosen and discussed. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, contact Melissa Holland
The meeting for October 7 – We will learn how the Parish Laudato Si committee is doing and hear from an experience speaker about how to recycle properly.
The meeting for November 4 – We will be working with the Catholic Action Center to prepare Thanksgiving Boxes. Location is still to be determined. Please email Melissa with questions.
Women’s Dinner Group
Women of the Parish look forward to their monthly dinner out on the town in Lexington. A restaurant and time is chosen and then posted in the bulletin. This is a time to meet new women of the parish as well as enrich relationships with those you may already know. Check the weekly bulletin for the restaurant, meeting time, and RSVP information.
Youth Group
Our Youth Group has some really great events coming up! Michelle Zachman is our new Youth Group Coordinator and she brings a burst of energy perfectly entwined with enthusiasm for the Catholic Faith. Michelle and her team are dedicated to enriching the lives of our youth through the fun activities. They are truly at the level of our youth and know how to reach them. We are so blessed! Join us! You will be glad you did. And, if you are 18-25 years of age and would like to learn more about being a part of the Youth Group Leadership Team, please reach out!
All High-schoolers are encouraged to join us for all or some of these fun activities!
September 29—Breakout Games at 309 N. Ashland Ave. Lexington. Time 1:30-4:30 p.m. After the game, we will walk to Rolling Oven Pizza for a bite to eat.
October 4—Outdoor Movie Night at Pax Christi around 6 p.m. The movie will begin at sunset in the lower level parking lot. Movie snacks are provided. Please bring an outdoor chair or blanket to sit on. (Parish Hall if rain).
October 25—Bonfire at Eckert’s Orchard—1396 Pinckard Pike, Versailles. We will gather at 5:30 p.m. for a haunted wagon ride, corn maze and play area. The bonfire will begin at 7 p.m. We will be done by 9:30 p.m. Dinner and snacks will be provided.
October 27—Terror on Tates Creek…stay tuned for details!
Contact Michelle Zachman aka…”Minister of Fun” to RSVP for these events and for additional details or questions.
Consent waivers must be filled out to attend events not held on Pax Christi property. Email Michelle to get a form or copies are available in the Gathering Space on the counter.
Ministering to Moms In Need
This is our newest Ministry we are currently working to get off the ground. There is such a need to help mothers who may be facing pregnancy & motherhood alone. We feel called to embrace them, and support them, not just with tangible items, but through heartfelt actions and to act as a sounding board to help them find the necessary resources to call upon for help. If you are interested in learning more, or becoming involved, please contact Deacon John Brannen.
On October 7, 2023 we hosted a Build A Bed event. Pax Christi worked with a local non-profit, Rhema Word Foundation, who received applications from single mothers who were unable to provide a bed for their child. The Pax Christi Prime Timers Ministry as well as the Pax Christi Men’s Group donated funds they had raised throughout the year, (for the purpose of giving back to the parish and community) to purchase bed frames and mattresses. Parishioners donated new mattress pads, pillows, comforters, sheets, blankets, and stuffed animals to complete each bed. We were able to provide beds for 11 children (ages 4-8 years old) who did not have a bed to call their own.
The families of the recipients were invited for a lunch and to see their new beds. Parishioners brought the beds to their homes later that afternoon. It was a most wonderful way to come together as a parish and to help these moms. Please visit for more information about the good works they do for women, children, and seniors who are starting over after living a life where they were victims of domestic violence.
Women’s CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish)
What is Christ Renews His Parish?
Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), often referred to as “Chirp”, is a parish based spiritual renewal weekend designed to help individuals grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with others in their Faith community. It is an excellent opportunity for Catholics to revisit the basic beliefs and traditions of the Faith.
CRHP is a process designed to bring members of a parish together in Christ. Just as all of our commitments need renewal, so does our commitment to Christ, if we are to be faithful followers. CRHP is a spiritual renewal that calls together members of the parish to experience Christian community in the environment of Pax Christi Catholic Church.
What CRHP is NOT:
a silent retreat.
a parish organization.
a public confession.
a pre-selected group.
limited to this weekend.
Please consider signing up for our next CRHP Retreat weekend which will be held on January 24-26, 2025 in our Parish Hall.
Take a look at our CRHP 2024 & 2025 Brochure which gives more detail about CRHP and our retreat weekend. If you feel called to join us, please fill out the registration form CRHP-2024-Registration-Form-Final-rev.-1-8-20-_2_which can be downloaded and printed. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Tricia Gaetz at 859-619-7725 or