Liturgical Training Session on Feb. 9

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Pax Christi invites all interested members of the parish, both adult, and youth to a training of Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, and Lectors on February 9 following the 11 a.m. Mass.  The training will begin with a shared lunch followed by breaking out the groups for training.   Anyone planning to attend that is NOT currently serving in one of these ministries, please RSVP to Dcn. John;

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion:  Distribute the Body & Blood of Christ at Mass. 

(Dcn. Ed parsons—

Lector:  Proclaim the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical gatherings. 

(Bax McClure—

Altar Server:  Assist the priest and deacon at Mass & other liturgies.  This ministry is open to all persons who have received First Holy Communion,  5th grade and above.  (Dcn. John Brannen:  jbrannen@cdlexorg)

Liturgies play a central role in the expression of our Catholic faith.  All of the faithful are called to an active and conscious participation in our communal worship and various liturgies that draw us closer to Christ.  Liturgical Minsters play an important role in facilitating a smooth, prayerful experience for parishioners and guests.